
integrated water resources management中文是什么意思

  • 水资源综合管理



  • 例句与用法
  • Concept of integrated water resources management and its application
  • Development and the state of art of the integrated water resources management in foreign countries are introduced
  • This web site provides information about integrated water resources management , programs , libiary , partnership introduction , news and events , etc
  • Based on the experience in east asia , it is put forward that the integrated water resources management is the tendency of water resources management in the world
  • Dvarioniene , j . , stasiskiene , z . , “ integrated water resource management model for process industry in lithuania , ” journal of cleaner production , 15 : 950 - 957 , 2007
    邱仁杰,工业区废水再生大型模厂建置及操作研究, 2003年水再生利用风险评估论文辑, 2003 。
  • This paper reviews the recent achievements in the study of water resources allocation , discussing the characteristics of water resources allocation in china and its relationships with integrated water resources management ( iwrm ) advocated by the united nations , emphasizing the importance of iwrm in the yangtze river basin for the entire chinese society
  • Further , in light of the mathematic functions among price , efficiency and equity , the effects / impacts of water pricing methodologies on efficiency and equity in water resources reallocation have been analyzed , the results are that different pricing methods have distinguish impacts on efficiency for water resources uses while they have few impacts on equity for incomes due to reallocation of water resources . fourthly , because the regional water resources have some features of river basin , an integrated water resources management ( iwrm ) has been suggested for the efficient management of regional water resources , where the basic criteria and intensions of iwrm have been analyzed . in order to the iwrm for regional water resources , the enabling environments , the institutional roles and the management instruments will be needed
    再根据交易中的水价与效率及公平性关系的数学模型,分析不同的水价制定方法对水资源再分配(水权交易)的效率与公平性影响,提出的不同的定价方法对水资源使用效率有显著影响,而对公平性基本没有影响;针对区域水资源具有流域特征的实际情况,提出了区域水资源综合管理( iwrm )的模式,分析了iwrm的基本原则和包含的内容,进行了为实施iwrm的关键措施和体制安排,要实现区域水资源的综合管理就必须具有宽松的环境、充分发挥管理机构的作用和灵活运用先进的管理手段;根据区域水资源的特点和可持续利用原则,进行了区域张仁田:区域水资源可持续利用研究水资源开发利用战略方针的研究,按照制定的19项战略方针,对一特定的区域进行了不同水用户水资源需水量的中、长期预测,其中包括生态环境需水量,并采用iqqm模型进行供需平衡分析,提出在工程设施保证、技术措施和体制及法律保障到位的情况下,远期能够实现供需平衡。
  • 百科解释
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has been defined as "a coordinated, goal-directed process for controlling the development and use of river, lake, ocean, wetland, and other water assets. "
  • 推荐英语阅读
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